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Get a free Amazon Fire TV Stick with these broadbanddeal



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The first 500 orders qualify for the free Amazon Fire TV Stick.
The first 500 orders qualify for the free Amazon Fire TV Stick.

Image: pixabay

Whether it’s a closing down sale, a product launch, or even free cake in the office, the promise of something for nothing draws a crowd. 

When you see a winding queue outside a sale, or your colleagues competing to be first in the kitchen, it’s clear that the early bird does in fact catch the worm. 

This is also true for the new EE Home Broadband deals now available at chitterchatter and Direct Mobiles

There are a number of reasons to get EE Home Broadband from Direct Mobiles, but the promise of a free Amazon Fire TV Stick might be the most tempting.

The first 500 orders on EE Home Broadband from Direct Mobiles will receive a free Amazon Fire TV Stick. This deal is running from Sept. 3 to Sept. 9, so it’s a good idea (much like when someone brings in cake or doughnuts) to get in early.

As an extra sweetener, if you’re an existing EE Pay Monthly Handset customer, you will also get up to 20GB extra free per month added to your allowance if you buy EE Home Broadband. 

It’s heartbreak to miss out on the last doughnut, so why would you risk missing out on a free Amazon Fire TV Stick? We’re not saying which is worse, because doughnuts are great.

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