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  • 71% of Americans were thinking about or actively looking for a new job, according to a 2017 survey.
  • There are many reasons people quit their jobs — lack of upward mobility, a bad boss, and low pay are some of the most common.
  • Author Jessica Thiefels details here how she knew it was time to leave five of the jobs she’s had in the last seven years.


I’ve had six jobs in the last seven years — all of which led me to where I am now: Running my own business.

Of those six jobs, I chose to leave five, and I’m not alone in my decision to move on relatively frequently. In fact, in a 2017 survey, 71% of Americans surveyed said they were thinking about or actively looking for a new job.

If you’re thinking about switching jobs, but aren’t sure if you should, here are some of the signs that told me it was time to move on.