happy man work job worker glasses smilingIt might finally be your time to snag that promotion.Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

  • If you’ve been working towards getting a promotion at work, you’re probably wondering what are the signs your boss wants to promote you?
  • Sudden invitations to meetings and lunches you were previously excluded from could be indications you’re about to be promoted.
  •  Keep an eye out for a combination of these and other signs to know if you’re being groomed for promotion.

Maybe there’s a sense of euphoria in the air that you can’t quite pinpoint.

Or perhaps you have a new sense of confidence at work.

It might be because you’re finally getting that promotion at work, but it’s hard to tell for sure until it actually happens.

Thankfully, “there are some telltale signs that you may at long last be getting that coveted promotion — you just need to look for them,” Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of “Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job,” told Business Insider.

“But remember, false reads on promotions happen every day, so even if you think you see the signs, you’ll want to remain as neutral as possible and stay focused on doing your best work.”

Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of “The Humor Advantage,” told Business Insider that the signs aren’t always obvious, but people can usually tell if they are being considered for a new role.

“Being self-aware is a critical skill for anyone to develop and so you should, ideally, always have a reasonably good sense as to how you are perceived by your colleagues and senior leaders,” Kerr said. “And talking about your career goals and potential career paths should be a conversation you have on a fairly regular basis with your boss.”

Whether you’re having those discussions or not, you’ll still want to keep an eye out for the signs a promotion might be in your future. Here are 15 of them: